Congenital lung cysts :

Congenital lung cyst is also a rare condition, which presents in the neonatal period. It was first described by Stock in 1897. The etiology of this condition is not known. But it is recognized by the absence of bronchotubular glands and cartilage and the presence of tall columnar mucinous epithelium. There is overproduction of luminal bronchiolar structure in the form of cysts of various size. These present as respiratory distress of various degrees. Sometimes, there may not be any symptoms for as long as 5 to 6 months. Normally male babies are affected more often than female.
It is usually unilateral affecting the left upper lobe followed by the right middle and right upper lobes. Involvement of more than one lobe is rare. Similarly involvement of lower lobe is also extremely rare. The differential diagnosis was CLE, congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), pneumothorax and lung cyst. Chest X-ray of shows hyperlucency on the affected side with multiple cystic shadows.